Deposit Accounts
Free Checking
Account Fees: No monthly service charge. No per check charge. Imaged checks returned with statements. Unlimited check writing. Shazam debit card availability.
Business Checking Account
Account Fees: A per item debit fee of $.10 will be charged for each debit transaction. You will receive an earnings credit of $.10 for each $100 average daily balance in your account during the statement cycle. The earnings credit cannot exceed you total per item debit fees. The average daily balance is calculated by adding the principal in the account for each day of the period and dividing that figure by the number of days in the period.
HSA-Health Checking Account
This is an interest bearing account. Interest is compounded and credited monthly. At our discretion we may change the interest rate at any time.
NOW Account
$750 minimum opening deposit.
$7.50 service charge if the average daily balance falls below $750 during the statement cycle.
Interest is compounded and credited monthly.
At our discretion we may change the interest rate at any time.
Super NOW Account
$2,500 minimum opening deposit.
$7.50 service charge if the average daily balance falls below $2,500 during the statement cycle.
Interest is compounded and credited monthly.
At our discretion we may change the interest rate at any time.
Passbook Savings Account
Limited to six preauthorized transfers per month.
Interest is compounded and credited quarterly.
At our discretion we may change the interest rate at any time.
Money Market Savings Account
$2,500 minimum opening deposit.
$10.00 service charge if the average daily balance falls below $1,000 in a statement cycle.
Interest is compounded and credited monthly.
At our discretion we may change the interest rate at any time.
Certificates of Deposits
- 91 Day Certificate of Deposit
- 182 Day Certificate of Deposit
- 12 Month Certificate of Deposit
- 18 Month Certificate of Deposit
- 24 Month Certificate of Deposit
- 30 Month Certificate of Deposit
- 36 Month Certificate of Deposit
- 48 Month Certificate of Deposit
$500 minimum opening deposit.
A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
A withdrawal will reduce earnings.
IRA Certificate of Deposit
A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
A withdrawal will reduce earnings.
*The insurance product provided on our Club accounts is not a deposit, not FDIC insured, not insured by any Federal Government agency, not guaranteed by the bank, and may go down in value.
Contact a bank employee for further information on fees and terms.